
• Oct 15, 2020 - 22:07

I saw a thread today about programmable crescendo/diminuendo where you could program what notes to crescendo/ decrescendo, but when I try it doesn't actually do anything. The thread spoke of 2.0.3, and I'm in, so that may be the problem. If so, does anyone have any insight on how to fix that? Also, I don't think my phrase markings work either, so I may just be using it wrong.


Phrase markings, which are the same as slurs, have little or no effect on playback. For a crescendo/decrescendo to work, the next dynamic must be something the crescendo/decrescendo can move to. So you can't put

f cresc. p

or nothing will ever happen because you cannot crescendo from f to p. If you put

p dim. cresc. f

only the second one will work. The dim. will be ignored since cresc. doesn't tell dim. where to go. The cres. will work because the dynamic at the beginning of it will still be p and you can cresc. to f.

In version 3.5, you can put a number in the velocity change field of the inspector of a hairpin and the next dynamic mark will not affect it, musescore will change the volume by the amount in the velocity change field.

If you continue to have trouble, post your score and we can help. There are other details you need to get right, like making sure for piano music the dynamics & hairpin are all attached to the same staff, or when trying to crescendo through a single note, be sure you are using a sound that supports this (piano won't!), also don't use the built-in palette symbol for crescendo-with-attached-dynamic, as that dynamic is just for show.

As for slurs, these don't currently have any ect.

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