Import a transposing instrument part from a PDF file?

• Nov 5, 2020 - 23:36

I just found that the import works again. I'd given up on it long ago. So now I'm trying some experiments, and I've got the following issue I'm trying to wrap my brain around.

If I import a PDF for a tenor sax part, it might be in the written key of D. Which would be the key of C on a piano/flute/concert instrument.

The imported part does come down in D (two sharps, etc.). It came down great - but it thinks it is "Voice". If I try to change the instrument to tenor sax, Musescore automatically transposes to the key of E for the tenor.

Is there a way I can either specify that the file being imported is for a different instrument, or is there a way to modify the file once opened in Musescore to change the instrument WITHOUT having the transposition automatically applied?


You will need to do two things. Change the instrument to Tenor sax, then transpose the results back to the correct key, which in this case is C (MuseScore works with concert pitches).

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