How to delete a full measure (or page) of sperimposed rests

• Nov 20, 2020 - 05:22

New to MuseScore. Just today I received Sabetella's book and am having lots of fun. Very impressed with the program and documentation. I'm sure that my question is answered somewhere in the book but It's getting late and I'm getting lazy.

My imported MIDI file has lots of rests peppered throughout the score - usually placed above the music notation. I'm able to select some and delete, but some don't accept the click-and-delete routine. Is there a global command to remove the unneeded rests from a measure/page/score? I can supply screen captures if needed.

Provide the book chapter and I'll look there - or ignore me and I'll find the answer in time.


Note my book is pretty out of date by now, so a number of details have changed. But in general, you want the chapters on entering and editing notes, the section on multiple voices in particular. I suspect, though, you will find that unless your MIDI file is fairly simple and very well quantized, the results on import into a notation program will usually be pretty unreadable and take more work to fix than to simply enter from scratch.

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