Different Part Name for Each System
Be able to set a specific name for a part in a specific system. Why though?
Reason: Let's say you have a string orchestra. There's a time you want to divide the "Cellos" part into 2 divisions... in that case you simply need the name "Cello, div. a 2". But then you want to divide the part in 5 Solos... you will need a new name for that part "5 Soli Celli" or something similar. Or then you want to divide them in 5... and so goes on. What do you do then? You cannot hide the name and put a new text on it right? If you can, it's still a big pain to creating a new staff text and trying to adjust its position.
Thus, I believe there should be the option to open the part properties window and apply a name for the specific system from which you opened the window.
More info here: https://musescore.org/en/node/310390
Oh and maybe also add the ability to move part names like they are staff text or expression text?