Hide anything feature

• Dec 9, 2020 - 15:32

I have recently come across some problems because I can't simply select anything I want and make it invisible or hidden. I don't know if there is something in the way that doesn't let developers do this, but if there isn't, I'm sure a tool in which you could select whatever you want with some area selection feature and make it invisible would be highly appreciated.


This is likely in relation to your question at https://musescore.org/en/node/314199

You can pretty much make anything invisible by pressing 'V' after selecting it. However I'll restate that what you were asking there, would result in hiding "time" from the score, which would only confuse anyone trying to follow it.
Your question was already solved there, but even then there were other solutions to blocking out (part of) a stave whilst keeping the time. The simplest of those is to use a note-anchored line and overlay it on top of the staff.

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