Score inside window is covered by solid background

• Dec 15, 2020 - 14:03

New to MuseScore 3.

Developing an orchestral score. After having no problem zooming in and out for about a half hour, I now am not able to see the bottom parts in my score. This is the second score I've had this happen to, and it's a killer.

What's the solution (if there is one)?

Attachment Size
Sound_Fonts_workbook_1.mscz 7.44 KB
Screenshot (337).png 237.98 KB


Either get smaller staves (page settings > scaling) or larger paper.

Or switch to continuous view, which doesn't impose physical paper limits.

In reply to by bobjp

Yes that's right. It turns out that MuseScore thinks in terms of paper size (letter. legal, A1, etc.) whereas Sibelius does not. When my orchestra became large enough, the last few instruments disappeared. The only ways to recover them were to choose a longer paper size (I chose legal) toggle to Continuous View.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to integrate "Aegean Symphonic Orchestra" soundfont (sf2) into my score. Adding virtual sound files is really confusing to me, in Sibelius as well. I learned about computers in music from a Moog synthesizer circa 1975. I tend to think of instruments as real musicians, which is apparently not the way it's done these days.

In reply to by aeg225

I suggest that you read through the font section of the handbook slowly and carefully. It is easy to miss or misconstrue a step. When you add complete fonts to the system, you end up with insufferably long lists to wade through just to define sounds in the mixer. You have noticed that MuseScore does not group instruments by family.

Personally, I have tried just about all the fonts out there. They might work well in a DAW, but not always in MuseScore. I think that the HQ version of the default font works and sounds the best. You have to install that one by going to Help/Resource Manager.

Sadly, there is little that is straight forward about learning how to deal with fonts. It's fine after you've done it a few times. Getting there can be a test. When do you add/delete/save/load/save to score/load from score/set as default/load default? Actually, most of those buttons you might never use, but you need to figure out which ones you will use.

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks for the benefit of your experience. I was actually referring to sound libraries, but I shall re-read all of this material.

The irony, of course, is that I can execute all this stuff with paper and pen/pencil much faster, but I have to hire those same flesh-and-blood musicians to bring the music to life, which is generally beyond my means. I compose for ballet companies and theater groups, and they don't seem to have budgets for live music (except in rare cases). Hence, the need to master the digital world.

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