importing Midi files

• Dec 28, 2020 - 14:30

I've reviewed the information from the handbook:, but I'm still having trouble. I'm attempting to generate a Midi file using Yamaha keyboard, connected to MIDI OX on my laptop. MIDI OX can be set to create a Log file in Txt format. According to MIDI OX, the text file can be converted to a SMF or Mid file by running t2mfXT.exe. I've tried different edits of the Txt file. No matter what I do, MuseScore can't open the Midi file. I've gotten various errors, Unexpected EoF; Missing EoF. Is there any information on the format /layout /protocol MuseScore is looking for when it brings in the file? I think I could edit the Midi file before trying to open it if I knew what the program is looking for. If I'm barking up the wrong tree, maybe someone can suggest an alternate method or programs I could use to capture Midi output from the keyboard? Many Thanks.

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