Same here---plus after updating the PC version crashed. Fixed the PC version by manually installing the upgrade and repairing. Online is still 502 Bad Gateway though. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
502 is an Internet error. Bad gateway, service overload and others. There are a number of servers between your browser and the provider of the website you accessed. There can be a problem in many places and that leads to this error message.
In most cases it is not your PC or any software on it or your router that is responsible. You can only wait ...
Same for me...
In reply to Same for me... by djl7891
It seems to work if you are not logged in.
In reply to It seems to work if you are… by Shoichi
but I can't do anything if I'm not logged
In reply to Same for me... by djl7891
Same here. Keep getting 502 when I go to Upload
In reply to Same here. Keep getting 502… by charlieccmon
also getting 502 bad gateway message. what's up. musescore, please fix this. Just downloaded 3.6 and no doubt this is the problem.
In reply to also getting 502 bad gateway… by jeffkauf
I haven't yet downloaded 3.6 and it's not working on my end.
Getting the same issue
Also can't upload/update scores.
I had a similar issue recently when trying to upload crash reports from desktop app. Lasted for weeks. Other operations were fine.
yup having the same issues
The same thing happens to me. I also tried the application, and that didn't work either.
In reply to The same thing happens to me. by Cosmic Woof
and theres this weird thing under: nginx
So glad I found that I am not the only one. They need to fix this ASAP.
In reply to SAME ! So glad I found that… by [DELETED] 5199981
In reply to yes by zhjasonliu
vpn not working
In reply to vpn not working by zhjasonliu
I just logged in my other account and got this
Same here---plus after updating the PC version crashed. Fixed the PC version by manually installing the upgrade and repairing. Online is still 502 Bad Gateway though. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
In reply to Same here---plus after… by theopoet4camp
Its working for me now---hmm...
I wanna unsubscribe from the free trial and I can't for this :c
I can't open it either! It gives me the same error.
In reply to I can't open it either! It… by Stacie Christe…
yay npw fixed!!!
I am just now getting this error.
In reply to I am just now getting this… by samuelantonov
same bro just happened again
In reply to same bro just happened again by villageshoppe
same here...very frustrating
The error is fixed, but I didn't do anything. It seems that you have to wait for it to fix itself.
In reply to The error is fixed, but I… by samuelantonov
502 is an Internet error. Bad gateway, service overload and others. There are a number of servers between your browser and the provider of the website you accessed. There can be a problem in many places and that leads to this error message.
In most cases it is not your PC or any software on it or your router that is responsible. You can only wait ...
In reply to 502 is an Internet error… by HildeK
I had a similar issue
In reply to I had a similar issue by nainapayalii
Yes, me too. Happens at times
Often sortly before is getting very slow to repond
In reply to Yes, me too. Happens at times by Jojo-Schmitz
I had a similar issue recently when trying to upload crash reports from desktop app
Scheiße! I can't download anything from musescore cuz 502 Bad Gateway >:(