Opening a score in 3.6.1 does not honour Jazz font setting

• Feb 9, 2021 - 15:46

This is similar to the report in but more specific.

I have a score I created in 3.5.2, NOT using one of the jazz templates, but in the Chord Symbol style, I selected Jazz style. That worked fine.

Now I have updated to 3.6.1, when I open that score, although the style setting still says Jazz style, the chords are displayed in standard font, with the special symbols missing ("MA", "MI", "7", etc).

I need to go into Styles, Chord Symbols, and change the style from Jazz to Standard and back to Jazz again, then OK. Each time I change the style, the score correctly updates to reflect it. However, saving the score and reloading does not fix it. Next time it is loaded the same issue occurs.

I have attached the score in case it helps. This is on Windows, if that is relevant.

Attachment Size
It_Had_To_Be_You.mscz 78.18 KB


I also have 3.5.2 portable on the same system, and if I load the same score into that version, it complains that the score was saved in a newer version. But if I click Ignore, it loads it anyway and the jazz style chords are immediately displayed correctly.

Are you sure this used the Jazz style, and not a custom style? The latter indeed could have issues in some cases with 3.6.1, this is fixed in 3.6.2. Looking at the MSCX file within your MSCZ archive, I see this indeed seems to be the case - at one time, at least, this score used a custom style.

When I load your score into 3.6.2, the chords look fine, first chord is Fma7, etc. So update and all should be well.

In reply to by TonyM-softins

Yeah, we normally wait a day or two before turning on the autoupdate, that's why you weren't informed yet.

In the past, once you specify a custom style, those settings were always "baked in" to the score making it difficult to eradicate them and leading to some pretty odd bugs where trying to change styles afterwards wouldn't complete "take". As part of the same fix that allows these custom chord symbol styles to work in 3.6, I also fixed the issue where old custom styles kept getting written unnecessarily. So things should overall run more smoothly than ever with regard to chord symbol style settings.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I can confirm 3.6.2 looks to have fixed this. I verified it by:
1. Loading the score into 3.6.1, and observing the font problem with chord symbols was still present.
2. Exit 3.6.1 without saving the score.
3. Rebooting and then installing 3.6.2 from the download (there is still an issue with upgrading from within MuseScore).
4. Opening the same score in 3.6.2. The chord symbols are now displayed correctly.

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