Can I remove this beam?

• Feb 9, 2021 - 22:06

I have tried every one of the beaming options but can't get rid of this middle part of the 4-note beam. I want to show 2 x 2-note beams instead because it seems to make the beats clearer.



Beam Properties definitely works, it's the same for standard and tab staves. Or, to make the change more globally, use Time Signature Properties.

But I would say, if you are writing this for other musicians to read, I'd caution against going against the standard here, which is to beam in groups of four like this. Keeping groupings of four greatly facilitates the pattern recognition that is so essential to reading rhythms effectively, and these patterns are all based on groupings of four.

In reply to by yonah_ag

Mostly, yes :-). But there are cases where it is wrong, like if the first or last eighth of the group is a rest, the beam should be broken, but MuseScore doesn't know this. So it does help to learn the rules so you recognize when the defaults are not so good. But when in doubt, leave them alone is a good policy.

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