Adjust all grace note horizontal distance in Style
I want to adjust all grace notes horizontal in my score from Style.
When I used a tight measure spacing (=1) and small grace note head (60%) in Style, I found that some grace notes are closer to the pervious note than the one with grace notes. There is a manual method to adjust grace notes individually from inspector\chord\offset X. But I want it to be a setting in Styles so that I can adjust all of them at once.
I attached the current look of the measure with grace notes and what I want the measure looked like (with X offset 0.5sp) as a visual reference.
Attachment | Size |
notes.png | 7.48 KB |
notes .5 sp offset.png | 7.38 KB |
If you Right-click a single grace note then Select / All similar elements you can then move them all together in the chord section of the Inspector - I don't know how to set it permanently in Styles, though.