Download midi from Android app

• Feb 28, 2021 - 00:21

It is possible to download midi files from the website, but not from the Android app. It would be nice to not have to switch back and forth.

Also, I initially submitted this request on the "Submit a request" page on the website, and received a response stating that feature requests must be posted here. But there didn't seem to be any indication of that on the request form. So that could be made more clear.


Between your use of the phrase "the website" and also reference to "the Android app", it sounds like you are asking questions relevant to the score sharing website, not the MuseScore notation software that is supposed here., So best to ask over there on that website.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I'm making a feature request for the Musecore Android App. I sent a request on, and they told me that my request should be directed here.


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