Notation Flexibility

• Mar 25, 2021 - 02:14

Good Afternoon,
My query is as in the PDF.
Thank You

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No, not anywhere in a bar, but Yes because you can split the bar into two and hide the barline inbetween it

Next time consider adding your images directly to the post so we can just follow along directly.

Indeed, it's much easier to help if you ask directly with images here. Even better if you attach your actual score as well so we can see exactly what you have managed so far. But I can try:

1) probably you need to read the Handbook section on Voices to learn how to do that.

2) the Handbook sections on Tuplets and Slurs should show how.

3) & 4) - your best bet is to use Tools / Measures / Split to split the measure in two and hide the resulting barline.

If you need further assistance, definitely attach your score so we can understand and assist better.

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