Fermata over barline blocked by barline in score view

• Apr 28, 2021 - 17:24

Hello, I added a fermata over a barline which works fine in the single instrument view, but on the score it is blocked by the barline. Adjusting the vertical length of the barline affects the entire score, but I only wish it to affect this section. Is there any workaround for this?

Attachment Size
screenshot musescore.png 6.11 KB


Personally, I would suggest reconsidering whether that is really the notation you want. A fermata over a barline doesn't mean anything different from the caesura you apparently also added, so why not just use that?

But assuming you do still decide to keep the fermatas, you have a couple of options. To break the connections just for this measure, use Ctrl while dragging the barline, or use the Inspector to uncheck "Span to next sfaff". Either way, you need to do it staff by staff. But to me that would look strange, one random measure with barlines not connected. Instead, you might try adding the fermata not as a regular fermata but as a graphic with an opaque white background. You could easily grab that using the image capture tool and paste it onto the barline then position it as desired.

End result would be this:

Screenshot 2021-04-28 12.02.53 PM.png

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