Opening problem

• Apr 29, 2021 - 10:03

I recently installed Musescore. Opened it and started to check it out. It seemed fine. Later on, I reopened the program and got a warning that the "display had a problem but recovered". Then the screen froze and I have not been able to access any screens on Musescorer. Task Manager says "not responding", Rebooted, restarted, nothing makes it work. I wonder what's happening. Any help out there?

Attachment Size
Musescore full page.JPG 109.58 KB
Musescore.JPG 76.81 KB
Musescore2.JPG 45.76 KB
Error on open Musescore.JPG 26 KB


Seems likely that your display driver has an issue; have you tried updating it? Also, what version of Windows is that? It looks like maybe it needs updating too, unless you've just customized the appearance.

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