CTRL+click no longer de-selects

• Sep 3, 2014 - 17:46
S4 - Minor

When doing multiple CTRL+clicks to select multiple items, it's no longer possible to de-select in the same manner.


In addition, CTRL+click should be strictly additive and/or subtractive - in order that when selecting multiple items, they are not all de-selected when one inadvertently CTRL+clicks in a blank area?

I agree with this thought. I experienced it this several times by entering guitar fingerings. Very annoying to select six notes, and in the seventh, by inadvertence or mistake, or too fast way, typing next to the target, so deselect everything and have to start over. Ahhrrr.... Bumping!

Actually, I never accused MuseScore! Preferring to growl against my clumsiness :(
But yes, if there is a solution, even basic, to avoid this, it could be very useful.

Ctrl + click should now deselect an element if it's already selected.
Ctrl + Drag doesn't move the score anymore, and so doesn't deselect the selection.

Feedback welcome!

Status (old) fixed active

I wasn't aware that ctrl-drag would deselect the present selection, so good that's fixed. But one thing still needs to be fixed, from comment #1. What should ctrl-click do (not ctrl-drag) when clicking in/on a blank part of the staff, say right next to a notehead? Right now, that action deselects everything presently selected, and a second click selects the measure with the blue box.

-1) Ctrl + click should now deselect an element if it's already selected : works fine now. Thanks :)

-2) Ctrl + Drag doesn't move the score anymore, and so doesn't deselect the selection.

I wasn't aware me too! And to be honest, I did not really understand it! I've never used this feature. I'll get there for sure :)

- And I am agree, the most important point is not fixed. Or not completely.
Antecedent behavior was: a click outside the staff, or inside the staff ( with the exception of the note head), and the entire selection was disabled.

The current behavior is:
- If the note heads are above or below the staff, the selection is disabled only if you type inside the staff. This must be done on purpose! So it's better!
- If the note heads are inside the staff, the selection is not disabled if you type outside the staff, but continues to be disabled if you type inside the staff, next to the note head. It's a pity: it's the case the more common, and far :(

Expected behavior: type outside or inside the staff, whatever the position of the note head, does not disable the selection.

Finally, I think there is now an unwanted side effect:

1) Default score
2) Note entry mode -> enter 8 C , quarter notes, in the first two measures (4/4)
3) Exit note entry mode
4) Select the notes successively by left clicking (without ever using Ctrl before this action)

Result: You hear the notes twice!

If you use Ctlr, the effect disappears.

Thanks so much Lasconic.
After some tests, it seems to work very well. This is one of the corrections that makes me more happy since a long time.
I used this feature daily, and many times, I failed in these multiple selections of notes for fingering, and so, I had to start from scratch each time!
I can now use this Ctlr key with great serenity ... Finally! Thanks again. :)

NB: can someone please clarify to me the " Ctrl + Drag doesn't move the score anymore, and so doesn't deselect the selection" that was also fixed?
I do not understand. Drag for what, when. With a concret example? Thanks.

I assume this means, the usual way you might move the page around within the window by clicking and holding an empty spot on the page then dragging - previously, I guess that also worked if you were did Ctrl+cick instead of a simple click.

Ok, I just realized. I was looking elsewhere! I had never encountered such a case.

In fact, I think I was so focused to try to do not click next to the note head (not always with success alas!) , that I had better things to do than to think about moving the score at the same time! :-)

THANK YOU! Sorry for shouting, but this really is worth shouting about. It works beautifully now - precisely as it should - much to the relief, I am sure, of many formerly frustrated users.

I love MuseScore and its awesome development team.

And yes, you're right lasconic. All this morning again, I'm wondering why I had not submitted the feature request earlier. It's really hard for me to understand this attitude!

Maybe I thought it was inevitable? It's silly! I should perhaps make an appointment with a shrink, right?! :)
For now, I have no other major pain ... At least it does not come to mind right away.
So, thanks so much stevebob to have remedied to my guilty attitude... :)
And as you, I can shout now THANK YOU to all the development team!

You seem to suffer from the same mental illness as I, as I too stumbled across this but never reported it, attributing it to my own inability to press the right keys and buttons in the right order at the right time.
So if you find a good shrink, pass me name and adress :-)