Inaccurate Positioning of Grace Notes

• May 29, 2021 - 18:17

I have found that when I add grace notes I have trouble if I want to reposition any notes to achieve a better match to the feel of the music. To understand my issue please look at the attached MuseScore file with a measure from the corresponding manuscript page I am transcribing (last measure of second system). I have added a double grace note to the D# after the C# as well as other grace notes. In each of these cases the grace notes are musically connected to the notes prior to them (a French baroque thing). But on the page they are closer to the following notes (aside from the last in the measure). If I try repositioning the notes, the grace notes follow the notes after the notes they were placed on. And if I try dragging the grace notes themselves funny things happen.

If I play around with the Chord X offset in the properties I can sometimes get the effect I want. But this is tedious. I think the logic of the placement and positioning of grace notes following a note is currently incorrect.

I would like to see a change to MuseScore such that grace notes, whether before of after a note, are always shown closest to the note they're attached to and when notes are repositioned the grace notes always follow the note they've been attached to.

Thanks in advance to all MuseScore developers for considering this request and even more thank you for providing a really excellent program. (I own a Finale license but have not used it for two years because MuseScore is so much easier to use.)


It's quite deliberate that grace notes after a note show before the next note, because that's the norm in published music. Think about things like trill endings. But for the cases where you have an exception, simply adjust the "X" offset using the Inspector. Not sure what you mean when you say you can only "sometimes" get the effect you want - it should work consistently. But feel free to describe more precisely a case where it is failing for you.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

This does make sense for something like trill endings, as you say. Whereas for some of the French baroque use of grace notes as in my example it does not. But I do see the logic of the MuseScore implementation -- to implement the more common use of grace notes and require individual customization for the less common. Thanks.

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