Bug: accidentals in figured bass
When I put figured bass to two notes following each other and the figuring of the second note contains accidentals before numbers (like, for example, b5), then MuseScore writes the second figuring on a position, where you could insert a horizontal line between the figuring of the first and the second note. And MuseScore seems to make no difference in the positioning of figured bass whether the two notes have a distance of 2 mm or over 1 cm.
BTW: I use Version 3.6.2.
PS: It would be nice for further version, if the actual font of the time signatures could be used for figured bass too.
I believe the first part of what you are describing is a known issue, #312291: [Automatic Placement] Unnecessary colission avoidance in figured bass. I'm not understanding the second part about 2 mm versus 1 cm, so posting an example here would help.