Chord symbol positioning doesn't scale with Page Scaling

• Aug 9, 2021 - 14:18

I recently noticed that 6 9 chord symbols look odd after scaling down the page. The 9 gets bumped up and overlaps the 6, and in the jazz font the 9 moves up and right instead of remaining in the same relative position. 6/9 chord symbols (with the slash) are also messed up a bit with the jazz font. It seems more noticeable in the jazz font than the Leland and Leland Text/Edwin fonts.

I made a shoddy chart in MS Paint comparing the difference between different Staff Space (sp) values and there are some slight differences in position for extensions and modifiers.
The top section shows the position changing with a 6 9 chord symbol. The middle shows the differences between sp: 2mm and sp: 1mm in the context of a blank staff. The bottom left section has the chord symbols compared vertically, and the bottom right is a horizontal comparison.
The other image shows a 6 9 symbol in Leland with a scale of sp: 1mm.


Indeed, it seems the adjustments used to position certain elements within chord symbols are not properly scaling. Could you please submit this to the issue tracker, attaching an actual scale (pictures too if you like, but the score is always the more important part).

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