Toolbar font size

• Aug 11, 2021 - 15:22

Been using Muse Score for several years and have upgraded to 6.3. I recently added a large monitor connected to my laptop with an HDMI cable. When I opened Musescore, all of my toolbars (File Operations, Note Input, Playback as well as the submenus on the Palette menu on the left) have fonts so small that they cannot be read. (see attached pic) Is there a way to modify this that I am missing? Thanks for any help!

Ken Bennett

Attachment Size
Muse Score.png 997.83 KB


Whow, 6.3, I want to have to too!!!

(I guess you mean 3.6, hopefully even 3.6.2)

Try the -D dpi commandline option

BTW it is certainly not the HDMI connection that is the culprit, but rather the screen it connects to, most probably a TV set, right? (I'm using HDMI to a real and plain computer screen, no issue)
Those are known to report a bogus resolution to MuseScore in special and the operating system in general

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

hey! Thanks so much. Yes, the 6.3 version is jam up! You should try it! Or I could learn to type! Yes its
You are right, this is a TV monitor.
The D- dpi commandline option.... I'm finding that in the handbook but not sure how to get there or change it. Can you help me with more specifics to change this setting? I would appreciate it!

Ken Bennett

In reply to by kenbennett198

IIRC you've to switch to the directory, where the application is installed - probably here: C:\Program Files\MuseScore 3\bin\MuseScore3.exe.
With the command "cd [name]" you can switch the (sub)directory, with "cd.." you switch to the directory above.
So (the probably most cumbersome way;):
cd Program Files
cd MuseScore 3
cd bin
MuseScore3 -D200

Maybe it works and probably it's easier for you to add it via right click on the desktop icon->properties...

(as mentioned, this is only that, what I remember).

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