Footer Text

• Aug 14, 2021 - 04:53

Ok, so one of the very few things I find really annoying about Musescore is how limited you can be with formatting for the header and footers. I like to put the writer and copyright info on the bottom of the first page only, as you can see in this score:…

However, I can't seem to make this work like I want. If I set it up to display: [Written by $:composer: $C] it gets exactly what I want on the first page, but the following pages display: [Written by "Composer"]. One potential work around would be to input all the information as copyright text in the Score Properties dialog. However, when I do this it is one line of text, instead of writers on top and copyright info below. I also tried making the footer invisible on page 2, but that made it invisible on page 1 as well. Can someone please show me how to make this work?

I know it's been requested before, but it would be really nice if users could input meta tags in any text block they wish (such as the title section) so that they could set these things up like they want, then save as a template, then simply fill it all out in the Score Properties dialog. If you don't do that it requires a ton of time to format it the way you want.


[Written by $:composer: $C] would be shown in one single line. Unless the either the composer or the copyright tag contains a line feed. And indeed there's no macro for showing the composer on the first page only. So if you want it to show on the first page only, you'd need to have everything in the copyright tag, including linefeeds.

Like put this into the copyright field (via copy/paste, as those fields don't directly support entering line feeds):

Written by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty and Graham Kendrick
© Getty Music Publishing / Makeway Music

and use $C in the footer.

Sampe score attached (as I can't download your sample score)

Attachment Size
test.mscz 7.49 KB

I don't think adding a footer as a frame is a good way to go in any case, because it can't easily be positioned like a footer. I think the better solution is to simply have a separate style setting for "first page header" and "first page footer", as opposed to the current simply toggle as to whether it displays at all.

Also, the idea of being able to change style settings from page to page has come up (to allow, for example, smaller staff sizes for fuller pages), and that would also be good here, although not something easily saved to a template.

Meanwhile., the workaround of adding the full info you want - including the line breaks, via copy/paste - into the copyright field - is the way to go, I think.

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