is there an articulation that will accent a note LIGHTLY or can I adjust the accent articulation?

• Aug 31, 2021 - 22:52

I've been annoyed with how crappy the accent in MuseScore works. It bumps the midi velocity ALL THE WAY TO 127 REGARDLESS OF THE DYNAMIC MARKING. This makes it impossible to have the pp dynamic with accents because it'll make loud BANGS as opposed to light accents. Can I change the code of the actual articulation to make it only jump the midi velocity up, say, 15 velocity units? Or is there a different accenting articulation that actually works?


The accent code is optimized to work well on instruments supporting single note dynamics - winds & strings, for example - as there is a bump in volume followed by a quick decrease (which piano doesn't support). So unfortunately, it means piano specifically - and probably at least some other instruments that don't support SND - sounds too harsh. BTW, it's not always up to 127, it's 150% of the original velocity. Right now the only direct way to customize this is per note in the Inspector (e.g., lower the base velocity so 150% isn't too much, or disable "Play" for the accent and increase the base velocity of the note. Or you can creating a custom instruments.xml file that overrides the 150% default. It is hoped that a future version of MuseScore will allow for more customization.

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