Hints - or more correctly "Tool Tips"
OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 3224f34
I have probably given 'them' the wrong name but in most software, if you hover over an item, a "hint" will pop up. This happens in Musescore in Palettes for eg. so that if one didn't know what a 'v' on its side was, the "hint" tells 'you' it's an accent above. All well and good.
I am trying to use more keyboard shortcuts and it would be really helpful (to me at least) if the "hint" also showed the kbd shortcut. It's taken me ages just to learn that Shift S gives staccatto.
If everyone else has photographic memories then it clearly won't be requested by many. But there are an awful lot of useful kbd shortcuts that if learnt, would make writing in Musescore so much quicker.
"Tool Tip" is the name
In reply to "Tool Tip" is the name by Jojo-Schmitz
thank you for the correction.
Tool tip. Tool Tip. Tool Tip.
In reply to thank you for the correction… by onscuba
" it would be really helpful (to me at least) if the "hint" also showed the kbd shortcut"
My memory isn't great, so I tend to edit the description of the Tool Tip to add useful info (like the keyboard shortcut). Right-click the item in the palette and choose "Properties...", then edit the Name field:
In reply to " it would be really helpful… by DanielR
Thanks! Just back from a birthday night out. That sounds like a good idea. What a pity it couldn't be incorporated into the tool tip.
In reply to " it would be really helpful… by DanielR
I have started to edit my most used items in palettes. Can't find a shortcut for "tenuto accent above". Any clues?
In reply to I have started to edit my… by onscuba
The default shortcut for tenuto is Shift+N.
Most palette elements simply don't have a shortcut assigned to them, nor the possibility of assigning them one.
In reply to The default shortcut for… by jeetee
Thank you but I already knew that one. Its the "tenuto with an accent above" I was really after (_ with a sideways v above it).
In reply to Thank you but I already knew… by onscuba
Then that one falls in the category of the many palette elements that simply don't have a shortcut possibility currently.
In reply to Then that one falls in the… by jeetee
Ah ok. Thank you again.