How to stop playback/end song before end of score?

• Oct 21, 2021 - 02:17

Hello, I am wondering if there is something I can add to the score to stop playback/end the song, before the end of the score. When writing out a score, there is sometimes stuff I may want to integrate or use in the future which I put at the end of the score after the song. My guess is that in such a case I would need to save two copies of the draft, one for composing and then one for playback, with the extra unused material deleted.
There was some discussion of adding a Stop Playback option to section breaks, but it appears there has been no further development on it at least for 3.6 version:

Thanks, Sam


Sambaji is something I can add to the score to stop playback/end the song, before the end of the score.


I also want a stop playback object/option ... ideally with some sort of "fermata" feature that allows for a certain amount of sustain on the last chord/note. This would prove quite helpful for exactly the same reasons you've cited. And it would make it easier to send exisiting scores to students, knowing that playback would cease prior to encountering measures of variations or my scratch pad area.


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