All objects in a single measure are crammed to the end of the measure

• Nov 1, 2021 - 16:18

Hello All!

Does anybody know why this is happening and, more importantly, how to fix it? (see attached file "Crammed Measure Exhibit A") All the elements/objects in measure 189 are crammed at the end of the measure.

I have tried:

1) Highlighting measure 189 and increasing, decreasing or resetting the stretch layout. Nothing happens.
2) Highlighting measure 189 plus surrounding measures and increasing, decreasing or resetting the stretch layout. Sometimes the measures before or after will change size, but 189 stays the same.
3) Deleting measure 189. The measure after it then "inherits" the same problem.
4) Deleting measures 188.189 and 190. This gets rid of the problem (everything looks really nice) but, for hopefully obvious reasons, this is not an option.

The only thing I can think of that I haven't tried is deleting measures 188, 189 and 190, then adding three blank measures back in and re-entering all the elements. Even if this did work, I would rather find out why this is happening and if there is a simpler fix.

Thanks all!


Attachment Size
Crammed Measure Exhibit A.png 145.84 KB


In reply to by dragonwithafez

My guess is that you have somehow got a large leading space set for one or more of the first notes or rest in that measure. Click on each in turn and look at the leading space in the segment section of the inspector. You can reset them to their default (zero) using the button to the right - the one with the x in an anticlockwise arrow.

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