Timeline navigation stopped working

• Nov 13, 2021 - 10:47

When I click on a rehearsal mark in the Timeline (or any other item in the Timeline), it doesn't transport me to the the relevant page of the score. It used to work that way, but now it stopped. This issue affects all my scores. Does anybody have any ideas how to get it to work again?


Any chance you've turned off the "pan score automatically" toolbar button? (looks like ►║)

I'd consider timeline navigation not working in that case a bug, so please enter it into the issue tracker

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'm in doubt about the "by design" part; Well, it's currently definitely by design that pan score disables adjusting viewport to the selected item. I'm less convinced about how intentional that design is.

I mean, it makes sense to not automatically scroll the score into view when the outside-of-view selection is caused by a non-explicit user action. In the case where the user presses something on the timeline (or uses the Find dialog!) I think bringing the result of that action into view is most likely the desired end result.

In reply to by jeetee

My sense is this probably worked until relatively recently but probably stopped a couple of years ago as part of some rearchitecting of how the scoreview positioning works. As I recall, there were all sorts of inconsistencies that we tried to address by centralizing the positioning code in one place. And if this change was the cause of the current behavior, it was almost certainly unintentional.

In reply to by jeetee

This was probably it. I didn't know this button did that and I did not pay attention to it when I tried to solve the issue. But now I see that it does exactly that - when I switch it off, the Timeline navigation stops working. I'd probably switched it off by accident. So it would seem there is no bug to report. Thank you very much for your help!

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