Direct input for accidentals

• Nov 21, 2021 - 03:03

I am working on a score reduction that contains an obscene amount of sharps, flats, and naturals, and I am finding that having to go out of 'note input mode' to use the arrow keys (EDIT: note input toolbar) for accidentals is slowing me down significantly.

In the same way that augmentation dots have shortcuts that let you change the note value BEFORE input, it would be nice if we had a quick way to toggle accidentals prior to inputting the note.

Attached is an example of what I hope to achieve.

I apologize if I am making duplicates, I can not find any solution for this from google.

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I am finding that having to go out of 'note input mode' to use the arrow keys for accidentals...

The arrow keys should work in 'note input mode'. No need to leave it.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

I understand what you mean, sorry for not elaborating further, my problem is that when I am arranging for atonal compositions, the composer adds in notes such as Cb and Fb, which, when attempting to input in musescore defaults to B and E. Likewise with notes that have 'unnecessarily' added natural signs, which unfortunately for me, the composer wants to keep (for some reason).

I am finding that placing each accidental requires me to explicitly click on the toolbar for such situations.

Perhaps I could argue my way into asking the composer to use B and F, but there just really are some atonal composers who insist on such unorthodox notation.

In reply to by Stephen Alexis Lin

Nothing wrong with Cb of Fb, these are completely normal notes that occur all the time in the context of both tonal and atonal music. In situations where the Cb is the proper notation (eg, as the seventh of a Db7 chord, or as an upper neighbor to Bb), respelling as B would be a deteriment to readabilities. As for the naturals, if the music is highly chromatic as seems to be the case from what you are saying, it's quite common in atonal music to be very generous with courtesy accidentals. Of course, without seeing the music in question, I have no insight into whether the composer is using these correctly or not.

Anyhow, defining shortcuts for the accidental commands does work, as does the respell command. And I agree, it's unfortunate you can't search for flat & sharp in the shortcuts dialog. I guess it saved a tiny bit of trouble for translations, that's the only excuse I can think of.

Check Edit >Preferences >Shortcuts >Note Input and look for sharp, flat, natural. You might want to change the shortcut key or add double-flat, double-sharp etc. When adding notes the order is duration-accidental shortcut-note name. You can also cycle through different enharmonics by subsequently pressing the J key.

In reply to by underquark

Thank you, this was exactly what I was looking for! I have been searching the shortcuts window for the words 'sharp' and 'flat' but could not find them. It never crossed my mind to look for the symbols themselves.
The enharmonic shortcut is also very useful. I appreciate the help. Sorry if I am posting in the wrong forum, I didn't think this already existed because I could not find it.

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