How does complex chord symbols affect chord play mode?

• Nov 25, 2021 - 12:07

Is there a musescore link on how complex chord symbols affect chord play mode?
It works pretty well according to standard writing. A F13 plays what it should. But if I want only the 7'th and the 13'th I can write F7add13 or F13omit9omit11. I need a more 'eye-friendly' chord symbol, I guess?
If the extension is sharp or flat there is the # or + , b or - . And it also sounds great. But if the added note is a part of the scale, like an C69 chord, I am really lost.


MuseScore does its best to interpret chord symbols the same way a human does, so yes, any of the chord symbols you mention work (and FWIW, MuseScore knows to omit the 11 on F13, at least in the Jazz style), and as mentioned, when in doubt, just try it out. However, I would suggest that no human would want to see "F13omit9omit11", it's way overkill. People read chord symbols rather than notation to get a quick overview of the intended function so they can create their own voicings. So they'd almost always prefer to see F13 and decide for themselves whether to include the 9 (probably they would) or 11 (almost certainly they wouldn't). If you have a specific voicing you need the human to play, you are better off writing it out explicitly in notation rather than trying to hack the chord symbol in hopes of producing the desired result.

BTW, for MuseScore playback specifically, you can also use the Realize Chord Symbols command (in Tools menu or right-click menu_ to generate the actual notes onto the staff and then edit them further.

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