reduce extra space between lines of music in lead sheet

• Dec 17, 2021 - 03:04

I've got 20 measures laid out in 4 lines of music. There's about 3 inches of blank space between each row of music.

I can't find a way to shrink the extra space between staves. I've tried using all the Spacers available from the Palette. And I've tried adjusting every "spacing" value I can find in the Format\Style dialogues.

Please help!

Thank you,


Since it's a lead sheet, I'm assuming just one staff? In that case, the vertical justification of staves is not doing you favors, so you can turn that off in Format / Style / Page. Then the max system distance setting will work normally to let you decide how you want all the blank space distributed - bunched at at the end, spread evenly between the systems, or some combination.

Another somewhat more direct method would be to add a spacer to the last system and size it downward
to force more space between it and the bottom of the page. That will force the other spaces to close up.

Thank you both (Marc Sabatella & Shoichi) for your responses! Two solutions worked - both from the same Format\Styles\Page options...I ended up using #2: 1) reducing the value for "Factor for distance between systems"; & 2) selecting "Disable vertical justification of staves" and then adding spacers to control the "white space" - specifically, "Staff spacer down."
Again, Thank You Both!

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