Different colors for sharps and flats.
I am accustomed to modifying sheet music by coloring sharps red and flats blue.
Is there a way to do this in MuseScore?
The colornotes plugin seems to color a note by its pitch independently of the key,
so there is no distinction of enharmonics, e.g G# vs Ab or B# vs C natural.
Of course, in the actual sheet music, these noteheads would be in different positions on the staff based on the key or accidentals used, so the program must take key and accidentals into account at some point.
Is there a way to access this info in a plugin to color enharmonics differently?
You can check the Tonal Pitch Class (tpc) of a Note: https://musescore.github.io/MuseScore_PluginAPI_Docs/plugins/html/tpc.h…