Automatic naming of scores

• Apr 20, 2022 - 14:54


I've been running in to this and sort of working around it, but it's getting really annoying: when I try to edit the name of a score that is based on some other work, it always prepends my edits with whatever the "based on" work is.

For example, where this was recently and most annoying the case was in trying to upload an arrangement of the Bach/Gounod Ave Maria. The "official" name for this work in the public domain is the Meditation by Charles Gounod. However, almost anyone looking for the work is going to be looking for Ave Maria. It's very frequently referred to as the Bach/Gounod Ave Maria. But any edits I do, unless they're just appending information to the "official" title, get re-prepended with the official title. If I had my druthers, I'd be able to rename my score to something like "Ave Maria (Meditation) - J.S. Bach/Charles Gounod. That would be more more in line with how people would look for it. But instead the best I could do was to leave Meditation - Charles Gounod - (Ave Maria) - Bach.

It's just a bit frustrating that it's so prescriptive. If I've tagged the work as being based on XYZ, especially if XYZ is in the public domain, I think it's not unreasonable that I should be able to name my derivative work as I see fit. People can still get to the information that it's based on the original work, whatever that name might be, right?


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