Mobile app

• May 5, 2022 - 08:03

I can't move manually cursor over the tablet while reproducing. Some more details:
I am using musescore desktop rev. 3224f34 to create sheets
Then I save them to the cloud to have it available for download into the tablet
I am using IPAD with musescore 2.10.26 and IOS 15.4.1
Attached are few sheets as an example:
Mary Poppins and Gabriel’s oboe are working properly meaning that I can move the cursor over the scores with the finger
Skyfall ad Pirates of the Caribbean I can’t move the cursor
What am I missing or doing wrong either in creating sheets or using mobile app?

Attachment Size
Mary_Poppins.mscz 22.88 KB
Pirates_of_the_Caribbean.mscz 22.55 KB
Skyfall.mscz 21.27 KB
Gabriel's_Oboe piano.mscz 26.46 KB


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