the instruments of my customized Soundfont doesn't appear in the mixer list when the drumset option is on

• May 6, 2022 - 18:29

Hi every one!

My instrument is “all set” inside MS, I can choose it in any score.

It’s a non pitched percussion instrument similar to congas , so I need it to work with a drm file.

Problems: the soundfont doesn't appear in the mixer list if i don't uncheck de drumset option for my intrument, what makes it unusable but, if i delete the sfz3 and let only my costumized soundfonts im able to use. the problem in this second option is that the mix list get blank and i can't use any other instrument in the same score

The screenshots
1 - my instrument is ok, sfz3 deleted, soundfont names missing, i can't use other instruments in the same score, Drumset box checked

2 - sfz3 included, soundfonts names back but my soundfont not. The instrument plays only the sfz3 sounds. Drumset box checked

3 - I turned off The drumset box my soundfont appears in the sound list but I can’t use the drm features. The sounds plays but the notes in the staff are the same as the pitch as a regular pitched instrument.

Soundfont created with polyphone.

Everything i made…


Since your sounds aren't shown when the drumset is active, it likely has to do with how your soundfont has patched its banks. I have zero experience in that area, so can only offer the advise to open up the default MuseScore soundfont in your soundfont editor and try and figure out how it patches in drum banks.

Perhaps also mention which soundfont editor you're using, so other that want to help out can provide more specific advice.

In reply to by jeetee

Thanks!! So, i opened the default sfz3 in polyphone the editor i've been using. My ideia was insert my sound s there in the same way it appears, but i can't save the amount of instruments with this app and the format it gives, its limited. My ideia was to substitute everything with my sound together. But it happend with all the percussion instruments i downloaded. Now im going to see what happens with the extra soundfonts in this site.

In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

Thank you!!!!!! So much time trying solve this. im struggling with that for a whole week!! Now i guess i am almost able to do a tutorial with all the steps. The only thing i dind't found anyone talking about is how to costumize the instrument map. i did it but i'd need ti redo to figure out what each field really means. Thank you!!

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