Double bar on the left of a measurement
A very important feature for me that exists in Encore or iReal Pro is the ability to put a double bar to the LEFT of a measurement. This is absolutely necessary to visualize the sections of a song and at the beginning of a staff.
In jazz we usually write harmonic grids with 4 or 8 bars per staff and the double bar at the beginning is crucial.
For the moment I have worked around the problem by inserting a transparent PNG image of this double bar in my bar palette. The problem is that I have to refocus it on the staff each time.
I noticed that this double bar was not planned in Musescore 4, is it possible to hope for its insertion in the final version? I suppose that the programming of this option should not be complicated!
Thank you in advance for considering this request and congratulations for the development of this excellent software!
Eric, French jazz musician
There is a double barline in the master palette that resizes itself.
SHIFT+K then goto Symbols/Barlines (not barlines near the top of the list) drag the double barline to our barlines palette. This is the one that has no staff lines like the one you made.
In reply to There is a double barline in… by bobjp
bobjp • May 15, 2022 - 17:15 "This is the one that has no staff lines like the one you made"
Thanks bobjp, but this barline is too tight and the other one too big !
They are not automatically positioned in the staff and cannot be extended to several staves.
What I'm looking for is a native solution, like the double bar on the right, but on the left!
It's still strange that nobody thought of implementing it!
In reply to > bobjp • May 15, 2022 - 17… by kirekard
Feel free to make a suggestion in the issue tracker.
In reply to Feel free to make a… by [DELETED] 1307581
Oh sorry, I thought it was this forum ???
Ok I found the right link :
In reply to > bobjp • May 15, 2022 - 17… by kirekard
Turns out out that if you want the double bar to extend across several staves, you don't need to format anything. in your score select any first barline before the clef sign. Select the double bar from the palette. You may have to finagle things if you don't want all the staves connected.
Thanks for #332047: Double bar on the left of a measurement
In reply to Thanks for #332047: Double… by Jojo-Schmitz
Perhaps I have not understood correctly what you are looking for, but you can enable the display of a barline at the start of a system in [Format]>[Style]>[Barline] by ticking "Barline at start of single stave". You can then select that single barline and click on the normal double bar line in the barlines pallet. To get this.
In reply to Perhaps I have not… by SteveBlower
Thanks Steve, I already know your solution :
but it's not what I'm looking for.
What I would like to get is this (this example is made with my png image) :
I have submitted my feature request and I hope that programming will be possible
In reply to Thanks Steve, I already know… by kirekard
Hmm, is there a reaosn you are trying to create this non-standard notation? I've been a professional jazz musician for decades and worked as an editor on on a series of fakebooks for a major publisher, and don't think I've ever come across this. Double bar are the start of a system yes, but after the clef/key/time signature, never in my recollection.
If you have some published examples, I'd encourage you to scan them and post them in the issue report (and be sure to say which publishers they came from). Notations actually in common use among established publishers are usually prioritized higher than experimental notations, so understanding if there is some context in which these actually occur would be important.
In reply to Hmm, is there a reaosn you… by Marc Sabatella
I'm sorry, I didn't know that it was a non-standard notation ! 😀
This was the automatic way of displaying double-bars on Encore (no, don't laugh😀, I worked for 30 years on Encore, and only recently switched to Musescore because of the bankruptcy of PassportMusic!) and I have included it completely in my way of writing my vocal or instrumental jazz arrangements.
It allows me to identify a part change at a glance, while keeping a "square" display of 4 or 8 bars per line.
I find it more comfortable for improvisation (you'll tell me I only have to learn by heart!!!)
For the arrangements it is also easier to find your way on the tutti score.
I just noticed that this is not the norm in New Real Books or other Fake Books !
But even if it is not a conventional notation, why not allow it?
And then it would be consistent with the left-hand repeat bar, which is positioned after the Clef, Key and Time signature!!! 😉
In reply to I'm sorry, I didn't know… by kirekard
No reason it couldn't be supported eventually. Just a matter of priority, which is why I asked. There are any number of notations that are in common use, and other features that are requested by many users, and generally we like to make sure the features useful to the largest number of people get priority. Other can certainly happen along the way too, though, especially if someone wanting the feature volunteers to implement it themselves - one of the great things about open source software! So even if you aren't a programmer, maybe you know other former Encore users who might miss this feature enough to volunteer?
It's true, BTW, there is some logical consistency in having double bars after the clef/key/time signature because that's where repeat bars go. But much about music notation isn't logical; for whatever reason, the people who do use double-bars at the beginning of systems place them before any clef or key signature. Maybe because they know it's non-standard to begin with - the vast majority of published music doesn't use double-bars at the beginning of systems at all, ever - and they didn't want the double bars to be too confusing / cluttering for people trying to read the score. But also, probably the main use of these double bars is people who are hand-writing lead sheets and also choose to not bother with clefs or key signatures after the initial one. So the difference between before or after the clef is moot.
Anyhow, thanks for the clarification!