Intro brackets

• Jun 9, 2022 - 09:13
This is the link to a score where it has brackets in the anacrusis and bars 4, 12, and 16. Between these bars is supposed to be the intro for the tune.
If I want to write a score with these brackets, what should I do? I couldnt find them in musescore. The closest symbol it has is called 'play with left hand' which barely looks close enough to the real thing.
Yes, this is very common in hymn writing, common enough to be commonplace, yet its not here in musescore.
Any solutions outside of using this 'play with left hand' symbol?


I'd use just a plain Staff Text line for it, and then using the inspector disable the Text and set the desired hooks (start/end & length).

If it's common in published music, then the symbol should exist in the SMuFL standard for music fonts, and thus should be available in the Symbols palette in MuseScore. If it's not there, that would be something to suggest to the maintainers of the SMuFL standard, so it can be added. See

Ok, I found a solution.
Insert a first time or 2nd time 'volta' in the lines section in the palates with the hooks on both ends. Use the inspector to thicken the line, remove the text, remove one of the hooks, then manually stretch it to the size you want. That way, you can get your own intro brackets.

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