3.6 breaks sound on my Lenovo laptop
Help!! After installing on my Lenovo Thinkpad, sound became incredibly staticky and garbled, not only on Musescore but on other programs as well. Uninstalling Musescore solved the problem. I am able to edit scores, and I like the new formatting, but I don’t remember whether I tried to play them the first few times.
Now I am unable to open those scores in an earlier version of Musescore, and I’m also not sure which version of 3 I was using. My tech friend says it’s a BIOS issue.
What should I do? I’m in a major project, and this is a BiG problem.
In the MENU bar, select Help/About.
Without knowing much about your computer, it's hard to say anything about a BIOS problem.
It's more likely a sound driver issue. So make sure those are up to date. If you continue to have problems with MuseScore, go to Edit / Preference / I/O, and try different settings there