Gold Mine

• Aug 3, 2022 - 04:56

Not sure what qualified me to receive 85% off the Musescore Courseware - perhaps because I'm a Pro member? - but wow!, this has got to be the BEST investment in courseware I have ever made. I've been using Musescore since 2018, but I realise now that I really have not sort-of 'gotten' it, at all. It's about time I stop using a screwdriver as a hammer and watch my workflow drastically improve.
There are a lot of different courses that I hope to take advantage of, but this one is absolute GOLD: Marc Sabatella is an absolute champion.


Hey, thanks for the kind words!

To clarify for anyone wondering - my "Mastering MuseScore: Complete Online Course" is something I normally offer myself via my own website - but currently, you can also get access to the course as part of the "MuseScore Learn" platform over on the score-sharing website And indeed, they offer lots of other courses too.

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