
• Aug 27, 2022 - 21:10

I just purchased MuLab after purchasing an Xkey37 keyboard, which connects with a USB. I can get the keyboard to play in MuLab and record, but I cannot see how I can score so I was told I had to have Musescore. I purchased that, but I cannot get it to record from the keyboard in. In fact it does not recognize the keyboard at all. I am brand new to any of this technology. I watched Youtube videos and there was a lot about the setup for Musescore (only not with a USB connection). With MuLab I am not finding much. I am hoping that I can get some help to get started.


I also thought maybe I can record in Mulab, then save it and open in MuscScore, but I cannot get MuseScore to find the recording from Mulab. I am very confused.

In reply to by PJKH

MuseScore does not import recordings (file formats such as WAV, OGG, MP3 or FLAC). However MuseScore does export such audio formats.

There are two very common external file formats which MuseScore can import: MIDI (MID) and XML (MusicXML). So you need to find out whether MuLab can export in one of those two formats.

Here is the complete list of file formats which MuseScore can import using the menu option File > Open...
MuseScore file types.png

In reply to by DanielR

"I was told I had to have Musescore. I purchased that, ". Are you sure you purchased the MuseScore notation editor which is free to download from this site There have been reports of dubious sites offering CDs for a fee, but selling a download is rather unethical and probably contravenes the GNU licence that covers the open source MuseScore software.

Or perhaps you purchased a subscription to the score sharing site. If so, that probably explains your problems with setup as the instructions you are trying to follow apply to the free notation editor. No setup is needed for the score sharing web site, but indeed that only allows uploads of files (scores) created with the free MuseScore notation editor and you cannot connect any type of input device.

See here for more information on the difference

" I cannot see how I can score so I was told I had to have Musescore. I purchased that, but I cannot get it to record from the keyboard in"

  1. You do not have to pay for the MuseScore music notation editor - you can download it for free from the Download page:
  2. Be sure that you are not confusing the music notation editor (for Windows, MacOS or Linux) with the mobile app (for Android or iOS). The mobile app is just a player, not an editor.
  3. Read the MuseScore Handbook about Note Input:
    in particular the section titled "MIDI keyboard":

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