
• Sep 28, 2022 - 15:22


Second question for me in this afternoon of typing scores for a family use.

Here are the three ways of playing gruppetto, according to Danhauser's theory of music (see attached document)

The musescore gruppetto corresponds to case n°1: the gruppetto is on the note, it is composed of 3 small notes and it borrows the duration from the main note.

The other two gruppetto are ornaments that are placed between two notes.
In musescore the gruppetto is attached to a note and there is nothing in the inspector to place it between two notes.

The automatic direction/up/down and default/baroque ornament style functions did not seem to me to make any change to the gruppetto, nor did the modification via properties.

So it seems that this type of groupetto is not supported by musescore or something I am probably missing.

Furthermore, the execution of the gruppetto may require an accidental alteration which is traditionally noted above or below the ornament (see attached file)

In the main palette there is no symbol for these cases. The addition of an alteration to the gruppetto symbol does not change its execution.

Therefore, any other gruppetto other than case 1 without accidental alteration must be written in detail, without the use of an ornament

Thank you for your help,

Attachment Size
Grupetto.jpg 349.94 KB
Grupetto 2.jpg 357.95 KB


This would appear to be what in English is called a "turn", and indeed, there are lots of ways to play it depending on context, and MuseScore's default playback doesn't know many of them. So for now, best to add an invisible playback staff with the notes you want to hear written out. At some point it is definitely hoped to provide more complex ornament support. It's possible some will be coming with MuseScore 4.0 already, but probably more after that.

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