Editing after recognition: automatic problem

• Oct 17, 2022 - 11:25


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I am using MuseScore 3.6.2 with a Windows operating system.

I had scanned notes recognized with Audiveris. I was able to fix many recognition errors in Audiveris.

I'm having trouble fixing errors in MuseScore because an automatic music notation system produces new errors:


If I correct the length of a note from a eighth note to a dotted eighth note note, unintentionally erroneous changes are made in the 1st system.


When I try to delete a redundant 2nd quarter rest, too many notes are deleted.


How do I delete this unwanted rest?


How do experienced users fix the recognition errors in MuseScore?

Thank you in advance.

Bye. Georg


> "If I correct the length of a note from a eighth note to a dotted eighth note note, unintentionally erroneous changes are made in the 1st system."

Your intention (from a program pov) wasn't "make this note longer", it was "make this note longer and also move all notes that came after it by the lengthened duration". All you asked of MuseScore was "make this note longer", so that is all it did.

The built-in way to fix this, is to first cut the notes after the one you wish to lengthen, then lengthen the note, and finally paste the remainder back where you want it.
The one-click solution way to fix these types of errors is to use the duration editor plugin.

> "When I try to delete a redundant 2nd quarter rest, too many notes are deleted."

My guess is you didn't just Delete the additional voice rest, but you used Cltr/Cmd+Del, which is the "remove time" command.

> "How do I delete this unwanted rest?"

If it's a voice 1 rest, you don't. Voice 1 needs to be present and complete on each staff. What you can do is to select the measure and use "Tools > Voices > Exchange voices 1-n" to move those notes into voice 1. The rest will then move into an additional voice, meaning you now can select and Delete it.

> "How do experienced users fix the recognition errors in MuseScore?"
Speaking for myself? I hardly do, because for me direct note entry is often by far faster than fixing importer mistakes.
But you'll find that the duration editor plugin linked above will already soften the effort quite a lot by allowing for dynamic duration changes within a measure.

In reply to by jeetee

Hello jeetee!

Thank you for your quick and competent help!

I think that my questions and your suggestions for solutions will also help others.

I tried your solutions: cutting, correcting and then pasting works. But splitting voices results in a mess.
My editing/corrections are still frustrating and time-consuming.

I would like to have a "free input and editing mode" (resp. stupid mode) without prompt automatic consistency corrections:
Change of note lengths and setting of rests as desired.
As soon as I'm done, I finish the free edit mode and have the consistency checked.

Similar case: I know about automatic spelling corrections. For example, I fight against the logic that capitalization (upper case) is after a period, because the period is the end of a sentence and not part of an abbreviation.


In reply to by Georg_E

Definitely check out that Duration Editor plugin if you didn't already, for it allows (although within a measure) a much more "free flow" method of editing.

> "But splitting voices results in a mess"
If you have a specific example of a starting and desired endpoint, then we can try and help out in finding the most efficient steps to take.

But yes, in summary; MuseScore is more tailored to correct entry from the get go rather than to assume that what is entered is wrong and should be corrected.

In reply to by jeetee

Hello jeetee!

I would like to thank you again for your great help.

The attached file was exported by Audiveris and contains recognition errors.

I would appreciate suggestions for solutions to the problems in bar 19 in bar 13.

Bar 19: half note rest is difficult to delete. How do you delete this rest?
Ok, Flute 2, 2nd f sharp should be sixteenth note.

Bar 13: grace note should be eighth note with slur

Bar 16: 2 quarter note rests, one belongs to voice 1, one belongs to voice 2
The deletion in voice 2 succeeds well.

Bar 11: thirty-second note replaced by sixteenth note
easy correction with plugin "duration editor"

Thanks in advance.


Attachment Size
2022_10_19-example.mxl 8.54 KB

In reply to by Georg_E

> "Bar 19: half note rest is difficult to delete. How do you delete this rest?"
If you select the bar (for example, click in an empty space in it) you'll notice the selection rectangle and the notation being colored according to their voice assignments. This shows that the rest is in voice 1 (blue) and the notes are in voice 2 (green). In MuseScore, it is assumed that each staff always starts with notation in voice 1 and only uses additional voices when required. Therefor the presence of voice 1 is required, whereas that of the other voices is optional. This is why you can't just delete the voice 1 rest.
The solution: With that bar selected, go to "Tools → Voices → Exchange voice 1-2". You'll notice the green and blue colors being swapped. You can now select the rest (now green, voice 2) and use Delete to remove it.

> "Bar 19: Ok, Flute 2, 2nd f sharp should be sixteenth note."
Click it, use Duration Editor. Select the final 1/16th rest and Ctrl/Cmd+Del it (Tools → Remove Selected Range)

> "Bar 13: grace note should be eighth note with slur"
Grace note notational durations are largely irrelevant (musically speaking). They hold some intentional relative value compared to other grace notes, but for MuseScore this is currently not interpreted. As such you can just click the grace note and use the normal duration commands.
My keystrokes here would be: Q X S which trigger these three actions: "halve selected duration", "flip stem direction", "add slur"

Possible efficiency tip: For single voiced music like this I usually don't bother with deleting things in non voice-1 voices till after having made sure all I need is in voice 1. Then I select the entire staff (Home Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+End), use the selection filter (F6) to uncheck voice 1. Then press Del to remove all other voiced content and finally recheck voice 1 in the selection filter.

In reply to by jeetee

Without duration editor plugin, one can correct bar 11 and 19 too.
Bar 11: select the 32th note and click on the 16th note icon. Repeat this with the following three notes.
Bar 19: select the 2nd note and click on the 16th note icon. It then generates a 16th rest after it. Select the remaining four notes, cut and paste them at the place of this rest. Switch the voices 1-2 and delete the unwanted rests. Then correct the bar length from 9/16 to 8/16 (or 2/4 or 1/2).
If all these corrections are done, I see that all measures are of duration 1/2 resp. 2/4 but there is no time signature. Select the first bar and set the time signature to 2/4. It should remove these hidden '-' signs.

In reply to by HildeK


Thank you for your help and for your detailed description of the work steps!

I tried your solution. It all works well!
Only I had no luck in measure 19 to clear the break of the length of 2 quarters, despite switching voices.
I would like to learn and practice using the program MuseScore.

In reply to by jeetee


Thank you for your patience and for the detailed instructions on how I can fix machine music recognition errors in MuseScore!
I tried your work steps successfully.
Your example of quick work with remembering and applying hotkeys is precious.

@jeetee and @HildeK:
My problem is solved. Thank you!


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