MuseScore 4 Note input mode frustrations

• Oct 27, 2022 - 04:46

I’ve been a Musescore user for almost 8 years now. In the Musescore 4 beta, I noticed you can’t just click away to empty space to exit note input mode like you used to. Now if you don’t remember to hit N, and you try to click away it will try to input notes. It’s such a big frustration for something that would seem to be so small and I just end up accidentally inputting notes all over the place. I am wondering if there is a reason for the new system, or if I just have to try to adapt.


I use the Esc key to escape from Note Input mode. For me, Esc is quicker than clicking on an empty space with the mouse.

I don't think it was ever intended that clicking an empty space would take you out of note input mode - that sounds like a bug to me if you're seeing that. Although I can't reproduce that bug in 3.6.2 on Linux - maybe you're using an older version or a different OS and the bug only affects that?

Anyhow, definitely, better to use the official methods of leaving note input mode that have always been supported - either pressing N or Esc, or clicking the toolbar icon.

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