stop after final refrain

• Nov 11, 2022 - 14:44

I have a score that begins with a refrain that has a verses volta and a final volta. The score has the 4 verses after the refrain, with a DS to go back to the refrain. The score I entered into Musescore does not stop at the Fine at the end of the refrain. It plays the verse one more time, and then the refrain, then it stops. How do I fix this? It should end with verse 4 going into the refrain with final volta, and stop there. Thanks.

Less importantly, I’m not a piano player. What does the dash mean, and how do I input it for proper playback?

Attachment Size
Test.mscz 15.38 KB
5D4D2F5F-E5D9-4D7D-B59B-89FD2D8836E1.jpeg 1.71 MB


It finally clicked (when I couldn't see it earlier), that this is very much like my last hymn that I did. The last hymn had 2 different styles for the 5 different verses, and this one has the same style for all 4 verses. For anyone interested, this is how I did it.

Attachment Size
test.mscz 16.89 KB

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