Soprano Sax sound in MuseScore 4 becomes 'fuzzy' because of only one note added

• Nov 24, 2022 - 12:29

I have a problem with Soprano Sax in MuseScore 4. It sounds nice and clean (see the attached file "sax_clear_of_56.mscz"), but if I just append one note in a new dynamics to the score (attached file "sax_dirty_of_57.mscz") it starts sounding as if there is a piece of paper in the reed or something. Besides some notes are not played at all - you only hear a kind of exhaling sound (check the last notes in the 2nd and the 6th measures of "sax_dirty_of_57.mscz"). Same panning, same volume level, same sound font and the same master volume level, only one note added at the end. Why is it so? And what should I do to add more notes without forfeiting the clarity of the sound?


Please, as per the beta announcement, post your issues to Github as long as MS4 has not yet been released, after having verified them in a current nightly.

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