Odd time signature creation
As a teaching tool, I would like to be able to create time signatures like those used by David Newell in his band method "Simple Rhythmatician," whereby
- The denominator of the time signature can be anything;
- The measure is exactly 1 whole note long in every measure regardless of the time signature.
- Each whole note will play back as a note equaling the numerical value of the denominator.
I can make the first two happen. In other words I can create a time signature that SHOWS any number in the denominator. However, I cannot make the third desire happen: to play back the whole note for the duration of the number in the denominator.
For example, I want to have a time signature with three as the denominator; a whole note in each measure; and each measure last for three (and only three) counts on play back.
Is this possible?
Fill each measure with a tuplet countering your denominator back into a whole note.