Changes key when shared
Hello, I have the app on my ipad. I found a tune and transposed it to key of G. Then I shared with my mac laptop in order to download and print. But when it appeared on my laptop, it was in the key of Bflat. Help! Thanks!
Hello, I have the app on my ipad. I found a tune and transposed it to key of G. Then I shared with my mac laptop in order to download and print. But when it appeared on my laptop, it was in the key of Bflat. Help! Thanks!
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Support for the mobile app is provided at This site, deals only with the musescore notation editor.
See for more information about the difference.
As far as I know, the iPad app contains no editing features. So while it can display your music transposed into other keys, the score itself is not modified, so if you download it, it's still the original. So, instead of transposing then download, do it the other way around - download the score, then transpose on your computer (using actual the MuseScore notation software, not the mobile app). In fact you don't need you iPad at all for that - just download it directly on your computer from the website, no app required.
In reply to As far as I know, the iPad… by Marc Sabatella
Thanks for getting back to me. I downloaded the score to my laptop, and opened in MuseScore notation software, but the Tools, Transpose option is not active.
In reply to Thanks for getting back to… by tina.bates@rog…
Get out of Note Input mode first. (Press "N")
In reply to Get out of Note Input mode… by [DELETED] 1307581
or "Esc"
In reply to or "Esc" by jeetee
Thanks, everyone, fixed!
...and be aware of the status of the 'Concert Pitch' button (which looks to be activated in your screenshot), especially when scoring for transposing instruments. This can affect the key signature which is displayed.