Unable to change sounds from MS Basic
I have the new version 4 up and running on a Windows 10 x64 machine. I can't seem to use the additional Muse Sounds. I've downloaded/installed with Hub and seem to find the files in the MuseHub/Downloads/Instrument folder but I can't select them when I open a score and use the mixer. All I can see is the MS Basic choice and see MS Basic as the only choice next to SoundFonts.
Any suggestions?
Do you have Muse Sound activated under "View" - "Playback ..."?
In reply to Do you have Muse Sound… by [DELETED] 1307581
Not entirely sure what you mean by that. But if I go down the View menu to playback settings, I see MS Basic selected and Muse Sounds greyed out saying "inactive". Not sure how I am supposed to activate.
In reply to Not entirely sure what you… by paddlingdoc
What is shown if you (within MS4) go to
Diagnostics → Muse Sampler → Check Muse Sampler
?In reply to What is shown if you (within… by jeetee
It says "Muse Sample Library is Detected, version 0.3.2"
In reply to What is shown if you (within… by jeetee
Interesting - I opened MuseScore this AM (no rebooting since yesterday) and now I see the Muse Sounds as a choice. Not sure what changed but it does seem to be working now.
In reply to What is shown if you (within… by jeetee
I'm having exactly same issue (not available to switch soundfonts in Mixer; in the Playback settings it is greyed out and not selectable). Only when I go to Diagnostic -> Muse Sampler -> Check Muse Sampler, it reports 'Muse Sampler Library is not found'.
I'm using Debian 11, I'm running MuseScore 4 from the AppImage, and Muse Hub was installed from a .deb package (standard installation).
sudo systemctl status muse-hub
reports that all is good with the service.It used to work before on this same machine (about a month ago).
Should I open it on Github, or continue here?
In reply to I'm having exactly same… by arsinclair
Check if you actually have /usr/lib/libMuseSamplerCoreLib.so
see https://musescore.org/en/node/337865 and https://musescore.org/en/node/340426
In reply to Check if you actually have … by graffesmusic
/usr/lib/libMuseSamplerCoreLib.so is missing.
/srv/muse-hub/downloads/Installers folder doesn't exist, there's only one folder called Instruments there.
Why didn't this file get created in the /usr/lib/ folder? The very first installation and run of MuseScore (about a month ago) had been successful, the new sounds were playing just fine.
In reply to /usr/lib… by arsinclair
Perhaps, try to check for upgrades via the muse-hub app.
You didn't change the path in muse-hub?
Perhaps a search for musesampler-linux-xtar.zip ?
The libMuseSamplerCoreLib.so should be delivered in this zip file
In reply to Perhaps, try to check for… by graffesmusic
To my shame, I had no idea that Muse Hub is a fully-fledged app you could run. I though this is just an auxiliary package installed to supply MuseScore with sounds.
When I tried the new version a month ago, after I installed the .deb package the new sounds plugged in automatically for me. I didn't have to run the app. After I read your message I realised it's an app you could run, so I ran it and discovered that I can download different instrument packs. After I downloaded Keyboard instruments, I started MuseScore and it detected them well, so I was able to switch between old sound system and the new one. The missing .so file has also appeared where it should be.
Thank you for you help and bless you! Merry Christmas!
In reply to What is shown if you (within… by jeetee
I'm having this problem too. If I go to Check Muse Sampler it says 'Muse Sampler is not found'.
I finally have success, but good to note for those still struggling, so I will leave my comment here though my issue is now resolved..."I have Muse Strings, Muse Brass, Muse Choir, Muse keys and a few more, but Muse winds and Muse percussion do not show up in the mixer. Even if MuseHub shows Muse Winds as checked, I still don't see it in the mixer. So all my wind instruments are basic but my brass and strings are Muse sounds. Weird thing is that it all worked until I tried to see why the English horn was not sounding at all and then I checked Muse Hub and saw that Muse Winds was trying to upload. Since then it has uploaded in the Hub, but Musescore 4 Mixer does not display it. I have tried uploading Musescore 4 again from the Musescore.com and it supposedly repaired something. But the mixer still does not show Muse sounds for Winds and Percussion. I also ran MuseHub again. Turned off my computer. Nothing seems to load the mixer with Muse Winds and Muse Percussion. I tried looking for the Muse instruments in the path provided be default, but I cannot find the path at all, "
In reply to I have Muse Strings, Muse… by Shirly Lyubomirsky
after downloading Muse Hub multiple times, finally, Muse Winds and Muse Percussion downloaded. Then I closed and opened Musescore 4 once again, and finally all the sound fonts are there. I don't know what I did differently but going back to Musescore.com and downloading fresh Muse Hub could have been it.