time signature between staffs?

• Dec 16, 2022 - 11:11

Hi out there!
I'm very happy about Musescore 4, although some nice functions that I've grown fond of are still missing coming ("future updates"...), e.g. the snapshot. Never mind.
My question is this: Even with MSc 3 I managed to place bar lines between the systems, see picture. Is that somehow also possible with the time signatures, 2/4, etc.?
Thank you for hints!

Attachment Size
example.png 22.02 KB


In the Grandstaff the element is unique. You can move it with Properties but you will have to resort to a trick (a small white image). I don't know if there is a better way.

Attachment Size
GerdTest 4X.mscz 22.18 KB

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