Couple things I've noticed about MS4

• Dec 18, 2022 - 04:31


I actually just decided to try out MuseScore 4 after years of using Finale because I liked what I was seeing from Tantacrul's video on the new update. While I've been poking around I noticed some things coming over from Finale that I am curious whether will be implemented in the future. Things that, having used one software for so long, seem like they were a given but now I'm not sure if they are, and please, if I'm just not seeing how to do these things I'd love to know how. No disrespect to the team as this is clearly an improvement on previous versions of MuseScore that I've seen before and I think with future updates it will be enough for me to finally make the switch permanently. :)

Firstly, a pointer function to be able to select a portion of a measure and move that portion. This is actually a big one for me. In Finale, say I want to move something half a beat. I can just hold click, draw a box around what I want, select it, and drag it over half a beat. If I try drawing a box around something in MS4 it moves the workspace. From what I can see, if I realize I want an extra half beat in between somewhere, I have to delete and completely redo what I wrote.

Secondly, composite meters. I use a lot of 2/4+1/8 or other type signatures in my music and the current time signature module doesn't seem to have this functionality. Again, I don't know if this is coming in a future update, but I know if I were going to write a new piece, I'd want that functionality.

Thirdly, not really a feature but more a bug I guess, when I press play it seems to start half-a-beat into the first measure. I just would like that fixed.

Fourth, I notice one of the praises for Dorico in Tantacrul's review was its library of extended technique symbols and I would love to have access to those in MS4. This is something I am currently lacking an ease of implementing in Finale and I notice MS4 does have some "vibrato" markings, though they don't really act as drawable lines and more as stand-alone symbols. Is this going to be in a future update as well?

Fifth, something I've noticed brought up before in Tantacrul's previous reviews of other notation apps is parts creation. Firstly, MS4 is already a vast improvement on Finale which is very clumsy (then again I use 2014.5 but I don't see Finale's latest to be much of an improvement on things). However, something I notice that is missing is the ability to add instruments to a part (i.e. a piano trio and the violin wants the piano in their part).

Sixth, (again I could just be missing this) but something to be able to add an audio file to for making electro-acoustic scores with would be nice. This is something I can do in Finale and I would love to be able to import an mp3 or .wav file to be able to create and hear the electronic track while I write the instrumental portion.

These were just my initial gut-reaction observations. Loving what I'm seeing so far and I'm hoping that the good work continues! Looking forward to seeing what's next!


About Parts; you can use the instrument panel to show/hide any instrument in any part and drag and drop in this panel to reorder the instruments in the part.

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