Musescore 4 playback of same note in two voices

• Dec 18, 2022 - 04:56

In piano music it is common to have the same note struck in more than one voice at the same time. This allows the note to be sustained in one of the voices, while the other voice moves at a faster tempo. For example, one voice has a whole note to be sustained, while the other voice has quarter notes, and both voices start on the same pitch.

In the new Musescore 4, in playback this results in a doubling of the volume of the sounded note, which is not normal or desirable when playing passages with this type of notation.

This does not happen, and it is not a problem, in Musescore 3.

Is this considered a bug, or a feature, of Musescore 4? In my view it is a bug, and a serious one, because it results in incorrect, bad-sounding playback of a type of passage that is very common in keyboard music, and it seems quite difficult to fix the playback without messing up the score.

Is there any efficient and reasonable way to address this problem and create a playback or audio file without the undesirable bursts of loudness that are currently occuring on such - VERY COMMON - duplicated notes?

Attachment Size
Musescore_4_Problem.mscz 20.67 KB


I've noticed this problem too. In my use case it's important because I use the playback feature to output audio files for publishing on a website, and the double-volume overlapping notes really stick out.. With MuseScore 3, as you note, I didn't have to think about it, but now with MuseScore 4 I have to select each overlapping note in the second voice and deselect Play in the Properties panel. That's a tedious process. I just verified that the problem is still there. I hope it can be addressed at some point.

Presumably this is only an issue when the voices are on the same stave but I can't see how it would be possible to sustain the same note for different durations on a single piano. Does the pianist actually press the same key with a finger from both hands?

If both hands do not play the shared note then can't it simply be omitted from one of the voices altogether?

In the case where it is on different staves, (e.g. a piano duet), wouldn't you expect to hear an increased volume?

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