Musescore 4 ---- Ms Basic not showing up

• Dec 20, 2022 - 02:01

Ms Basic soundfont is literally GONE and any instrument with MS Basic doesn't play

I have two theories on why that happened
A few days ago I tried following a tutorial do get sforzando, but ended up removing the whole thing
Howhever, the Snare Template and other percussions were already changed. Maybe that's why the snares don't work
However that doesn't explain why the Ms basic is screwed up.

Basically, I uninstalled Musescore 3 a few days ago too, but had to reinstall for reasons
This might have screwed up where Ms4 looks for the MSbasic soundfont
and I already uninstalled ms3 again because of that but to no avail

So yeah.... I screwd up really bad
Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?

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Screenshot_1.png 39.22 KB
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